You not only touch the future, you create a community, an ensemble whose art reaches people on a gut level, and whose relationships last a lifetime. It's darn hard work - one of those long hours with little pay endevors, but when folks ask "What do you make?" you can honestly say, "I make a difference."
Save yourself time and sanity with our live, online and print resources.
The obstacles you encounter are artistic, academic, political, logistical...and human. Knowing what to expect can make all the difference. We're experienced problem solvers ready to help you prepare for all the unknowns landing in your lap, to save you time and sanity, so you can focus on your students.
Business development - Sales - Capture...Call it what you want, it's first and foremost about people. As they say, "Information Tells...but Stories Sell." Stories are how we make sense of the world, how people realize that we "get" them. So having the skill and confidence to engage your prospects in an authentic way with a meaningful story is the bridge you build so you're the one they want to do business with.
We believe in keeping you focused on your business
Your passion is your product or service, not the different pieces of software you have to patch together to get your message out. But it's time consuming and distracting to struggle with the technology when you want to focus on the solution you can provide to your customers or clients.
Our "suite" deal simplifies your life by combining all your online marketing tools under one roof, a platform where all the pieces from hosting to sales work seamlessly together, so you can focus on your messsage. With terrific training and support included as you need it, you can go back to making the main thing...the main thing.
Goodbye panic, hello exhilaration. Whatever your level of public speaking skill, we can strengthen your weak links and build your confidence with tactics and practice that will solve your problems, from stage presence to story clarity. Our professional coaching program will help you close that sale and reach your listeners with maximum impact.